Sunday, April 23, 2006

I love you, Uncle Jack!

I have spent most of my night tonight with my Uncle Jack, and I have to tell you, he is wonderful. With him around, the whole world seems to be a little nicer, funner, and prettier. Instead of beating my head against this new Gentoo install, I am attacking it with a newfound (drunken) vigor that I did not have these last few days. Soon, this chick will be working with Gentoo instead of Windorks (that is, if the install does not fail again, in which case I may be using Xandros temporarily)

Yes, I love my Uncle Jack. Where would I be without him? By now, probably asleep like I should be, instead of drunk and working on my computer. Oh, well. We need to take time to learn now and again, right?

Well, it is now 3:40, and I'm feeling like passing out until my install is complete (or failed, whichever comes first). Wish me luck! At least it will be better than that Ubuntu crap.

Monday, April 17, 2006

"They were all in love with dieing, they were doing it in Texas"

Well, at the risk of sounding like I am repeating myself, I must say that it is getting boreing out here in cyberland. I had ran across a few news stories that I felt like mentioning, but there is noone here to read and I forgot which ones they were in the first place. This is why I need to start writing things down. Never was much good at keeping a journal or diary, though. Maybe I will give it another shot.

Also, it isn't easy finding good blogs to peruse...most of them seem to be crap, at least the ones that I run into at random. I dunno...maybe I am going about this all wrong?

Well, anyway, another beautiful sun-shiny day. I think I'm ready to throw up.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

All good things...

In moratorium, I wanted to say that I have been following two blogs for a bit, both of which were heavy posters when I started reading. Wicked Truth, and Church of Jesus Christ of Even More Latter Day Saints. Both seem to have died. Am I just a curse? I don't know. However, I am saddned by their loss. It seems that the Church was probably doomed anyway, because far too few people realized what it was about. They thought he was some hate monger spewing filth, when the truth is that he was taking the christian religion and taking it to its natural extreem so that people will realize what it is that they are preaching. The only thing uglier than what he said is the bible itself.

The Wicked Truth was great, and I am sorry to see it die. If there is ever a campaign to bring back Mr. Hand, I will be right there, cheering it on. I hope that someday, we will get to hear from him again, along with all the crazy people he relates with.

Farewell, both of you. I can only hope that I ever have a fraction the impact that the two of you did.

For your random pleasure

Okay, so noone is here anyway, but I wanted to start posting again...real life is just too damn boring by itself.

Yet, I still don't know what I'm supposed to be talking about. So, I will just say something random.


The first thing to come to my mind.

Any day now.

Hmmm...doesn't seem to be working.

Oh, bloody hell...if you're reading this, download FireFox! IE sucks!